

News • New research on eating habits

Why do smokers gain weight when they quit? Science may have an answer

When people quit smoking, they often put on the pounds instead – but why is that? New research on dietary habits of smokers and non-smokers may provide us with an answer.


News • Reaction to donor organ

Lung transplantation: new findings on life-threatening PLS complication

New research into a life-threatening, but underestimated complication in lung transplants not only provides new insights, but also approaches for early detection and timely treatment.


News • Ciliopathy reseach

Rare lung disease: genetics reveals cause of PCD

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare inherited multi-organ condition, which can lead to inflammation of the airways and infections. Now, scientists have found what causes PCD.


News • Generation of alveolar epithelial type I cells

Study furthers understanding of lung regeneration

Researchers present a new method for generating human alveolar epithelial type I cells. This could ultimately progress therapies for people living with pulmonary diseases.


News • Pros and cons in surgery

Robotic assistance in lung transplantation: Has the time come?

Although robots are common to assist in surgery, robotic assistance is not routinely used for lung transplants. However, this might change soon, according to an expert speaking at the ISHLT meeting.


News • Point-of-care testing

New AI tool detects Covid-19 in lung ultrasound images

Using ultrasound imaging to detect Covid-19 infections, a new automated detection tool could help doctors in the emergency room diagnose patients quickly and accurately.

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